Saturday, February 3, 2007

Khoodeelaar! week of action as campaign against Crossrail hole attacks enters 4th year saying No to Crossrail hole in the East End of London

Editor©Muhammad Haque
The 4th Edition London
2100 Hrs GMT
Saturday 3 February 2007
AADHIKAR in association with ‘KHOODEELAAR! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to Crossrail hole ‘scheme, scam, and project. Plot’ Bill’ campaign

Summarised version of the AADHIKAROnline- Khoodeelaar Legal disclaimer at 0050 Hrs GMT Tuesday 30 January 2007

AADHIKAROnline and these editions in association with Khoodeelaar! the CAMPAIGN AGAINST the Crossrail hole project plan scheme scam Bill [the so-called ‘Crossrail Bill’, currently a draft piece of legislation in the UK Houses of Parliament] Published purely as an educational and information resource originally researched authored and created by the Editor and any named or identified other writer and or Author. NOT for inclusion in any commercial package whatever. The same restriction applies to any inclusion in any type of academic operation, task or production. Not for inclusion as any component of any ethnicity-linked, pro-racist, colonialist, globalising publication, stunt, enterprise, trade or operation. ALL materials published from London UK by AADHIKAR Media Foundation on this web site or on any associated websites remain the intellectual and moral creation and property of the creating author/s and Editor.


Saturday Reviews 3 February 2007

By Muhammad Haque

• The Khoodeelaar! campaign has carried out extensive research into the contents of the actual CrossRail hole plan during the past 36 months. The researches have included detailed look at the historic background to that fundamentally flawed CRASSrail hole plan. Khoodeelaar! has examined the local, the regional , the UK economies [in this order, in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area], in Greater London and in the rest of the South East and elsewhere in the UIK] as well as referring to the current international economic criteria, measures and comparators to assess the relevance of any particular railway project. All the evidence examined shows that the pluggers of the CrossRail hole plot, including the current ‘Lone done may – or’ Ken Livingstone, have been misrepresenting the evidence when they have claimed that there is a correlative link between the constriction of this Crossrail and the consequent emergence of ‘benefits’ in the areas that the CrossRail plot is designed to destroy! Prime targets of this misrepresentation has been the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area which has been cited invariably as a location whose destruction and disruption was being painted by Crossrail as a ‘good’ thing. The lying plugs for the CrossRail hole Bill agenda by the ‘Lone done- may-or’ Ken Livingstone, by the City of London interests and their Big Business pullers of the hypes and strings which they have fronted , has been so untruthful, so false, so dangerously against the interests of the ordinary people in the area affected by the devastating attacks by the CrossRail hole plan as if the devil has gotten hold of the media of mass misrepresentation at the BBC [ typified by an aspect of the London segment carried on "the Politics Show" shown on 26 March 2006 included a typical assertion of the ‘regeneration and ‘job creation’ correlative link lie by an employee of the Crossrail company] and that the BBC has finally reached the stage of utter, abject immorality that it is edited and controlled by those who have no shame, no sense of responsibility for so openly and outrageously lying for the Biog Business conglomerates who are the real lobby for this ghastly wasteful, 20-times the Greenwich Millennium Dome waste of public money at a time when the poorest millions in the UK were being forced to endure a level of living - subsistence existence - that was undignified beyond description, when the needy and the sick were being let down by the ‘NHS’ under excuses of lack of funds, when parents in parts of the Uk were being forced to pay for setting up their own schools because the standard of ‘education’ at their local schools were so abysmal or almost non existent, much of it due to lack of appropriate funding… when large numbers of libraries are being phased out under cover of new technological alternatives but in truth because of the non adaptability of necessary funding from the public source

[To be continued]

• Khoodeelaar! exposes the corruption at the centre of the CLRL ‘company’ that has lied , concealed, hidden, obstructed, blocked..... And misled the public as part of its brazen policy of abusing public money to enrich the rich and to deprive the already deprived – an AADHIKARonline report on some of the documentary evidence that was forced out of Crossrail by the Khoodeelaar! campaign against the Crossrail hole – here and in the Khoodeelaar!-linked websites in an updater report, soon

The Crossrail hole Bill peddler 'Lone done may-or' Ken Livingstone was not only not available to give an ‘instant comment’ on the TV news reports about the soaring overruns on the Olympics stunt that he was party to foisting upon the people of London -and considerably upon the UK Treasury - but the immoral Livingstone was not even in the country to explain his Olympic stunts-linked failings to account for the gross mismanagement that has now been confirmed - has HAD to be confirmed - even by one of the UK state's bureaucratic Quangos ‘the National Audit Office’ - . Nor was the CRASSrail hole Bill plotter Livingstone around to go on the record about the disclosures as published in a rare BBC documentary – which often peddles the lies that Livingstone and his Big Business co-partners in the Swindle of the Public Purse want promoted – which exposed the Olympic Games financial waste and liabilities at the expense of the people of London
Why did the Tower Hamlets-reliant, Tower Hamlets Council-based ‘Galloway Party’ ‘RESPECT’ withdraw its alleged court challenge over vote fraud at the 4 May 2006 council elections? – an analysis shortly
Khoodeelaar! legal action programme updates
Whitechapel Road market – who and how will the street traders lose out because of the CRASSrail lies by Tower Hamlets Council
Breaking news
From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline as published on Friday 2 February 2007

Khoodeelaar! again tells Blair to publicly drop the CRASSrail hole Bill
And Khoodeelaar! analyses the latest stupidities at a huge and rising cost to the low income Londoners as caused by the megalomania, lunatic ego trips of those who foisted the Olympic costs on the population – how MORE crass must they be before they are politically kicked out of every single post that they hold and before their OTHER idiocy, CRASSrail, is rejected for the same reasons?
Khoodeelaar! The No to Crossrail hole Bill attacks on the East End of London campaign publishing programme during Friday 2 February 2007
What has been behind George Galloway’s decision so far to not use his access to the UK House of Commons to support the community’s right to be spared the Crossrail hole attacks, in the way that Galloway has shown eagerness to table ‘Early day Motions’ on all manner of topics that do not warrant even a fraction of importance in the Bethnal Green and Bow Parliamentary constituency [in whose name Galloway makes the still current and valid claim to be an MP] that the contents of the Crossrail hole Bill concerning the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area do ? – An AADHIKARonline investigation into George Galloway’s appearance in the ‘news’ over the past six and a half months. Why that period? Because that is how long it has been since he actually spoke against the Crossrail hole Bill in the UK House of Commons. It was not on the floor of the House of Commons but in a committee room, under the House of Commons….
Khoodeelaar! Deals with the Indymedia posts, all of them un-named or bogus named, which have sought to question the Khoodeelaar! ;legal action programme announcements – we go no farther, nay, we don’t have to go no farther, than to look at the travails of the ‘RESPECT’ ‘political party’ that has tried the court system, twice, in the course of the past Nine months – and what is the lesson? That you do not just go into an English court and expect to find what you say you are going there to find: most of the times, ‘justice’ or ‘ vindication’! The series of ‘RESPECT’ ‘party’ encounters, thus far, with the ‘English legal process’ [which the slimy Simon Hughes of the Lib DXMS, promoted when he was given another platform to make a critical comment ion the racist Blairing administration in the UK ... We also take a contextual look again at the latest exposure of the Blairng Pee-er Goldsmith who has been given yet again a most undeserved easy ride when he again made a blatantly unconstitutional and illegal set of statements appearing in the House of Pee-ers on Thursday 1 February 2007 ….
AADHIKAR exclusive report on the latest shenanigans inside the Crossrail Bill select committee in the House of Commons
Khoodeelaar! - 3 years of the battle to defend the East End - first reports on the campaign dinner held on 31 January 2007
Updates, Khoodeelaar! Breaking news and legal action programme notes

From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline as published during Thursday 1 February 2007 Khoodeelaar! into the 37th month of campaigning against the Crossrail hole attacks plot against the East End of London
Coming here on Friday 2 February 2007 – the Khoodeelaar! campaign reports on the calamity that is the alleged legal case being allegedly put before the allegedly parliamentary select committee on the Crossrail Bill in the UK House of Commons
Opposition councillors on Tower Hamlets Council renew backing to Khoodeelaar! demand for Council full meeting to pass motion saying No to Crossrail hole Bill - more here shortly
So George Galloway has chosen to use his facilities to put or try to put another ‘early day motion’ about a subject he thinks deserves his attention as the sitting MP for the area more than he thinks the campaign against Crossrail hole attack does – just who is behind these ‘uses’ of George Galloway’s time and access, platforms at, through, in the name of his membership of the House of Commons? – A report here shortly
What had The Crossrail hole-inviter ‘chief executive’ at Tower Hopeless Council, Christine Gilbert, been asked by CBRUK [founded in July 1989 to defend the Brick Lane London E1 area from racist attacks] on Crossrail in February 2004? And why has the ‘East London Idiotiser’ been failing for almost three years to publish ANY of the evidence of the campaign against the Crossrail hole-inviter Council, which the Khoodeelaar! campaign has been presenting to all concerned and making known to the succession of ‘journalists’ on the so-called ‘local newspaper’ the ‘East London Idiotiser’? – another exclusive expose on the parasitic decision-makers on the pathetic paper that is now so engrossed with its own incomes from the Council and relating to the Council, that it is on the verge of losing the plot as it insanely heightens its own vested and financial interests ahead of the needs of the community to be provided with objectively obtained and edited news about the ‘circulation area’ -


From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline as published on
Thursday 1 February 2007

Coming here a report on what actually took place in Committee Room 5 on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week when the Crossrail Bill select committee heard some more representation – or did it – of opposition to the CRASSrail hole from the East End of London
Khoodeelaar! Exposes the latest paralysis inside the CRASS rail plot company – they have lied, they have concealed, they have misled, they have delayed, they have messed up – as revealed in the ‘Palace of Westminster’ Westminster CRASS rail plot poodle committee, also known as the formally designated ‘Select Committee’ on the 'Cross rail Bill' in the UK House of Commons, was brought to an abrupt, unforeseen halt during Wednesday 31 January 2007
The Full, exclusive AADHIKAROnline reports start here during today, Thursday 1 February 2007
How the crooked clique on Tower Hamlets Council lied to the community and for the City of London, Big Business cabal plotting to occupy the East End of London land under covers of ‘Crossrail ’ – evidence date back to at least 2001 and show that ‘leading’ post-holding councillors have been acting as effectively touts for outside, City of London interests and against the interests of the community in whose name these councillors have been sitting on the Council
Khoodeelaar! Completion of 3 years of campaign – exposing some of the telling evidence of how the ethnicity-linked corrupt ‘newspapers’ have been acting as agents of the corrupt clique and as liars against the very community in whose name these so-called newspapers exist and have existed in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area – the horribly anti-social, pro-racist, pro-colonialist role being played by the mental slaves who ‘write[!], edit[!] and publish’ the ‘ethnicity-linked’ surrogate ‘publications’ in Bengali whose contents are even worse than they would be had been being published in colonialist controlled times before 1947 – so who is funding these ethnicity-linked lying vehicles of surrogation to racists? What role have the lying vehicles played in misinforming the community even more extensively than has been the role performed by the 'East End Lies' that is published for the promotion of the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council??
Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme against Crossrail hole plotters and others concerned, and campaign updaters


From the Previous editions

THREE YEARS of the Khoodeelaar! campaign against the Crossrail hole attacks plot on the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area
Khoodeelaar! the No to Crossrail hole Bill campaign is today [31 January 2007] observing the completion of THREE years [from Saturday 31 January 2004] of battle in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area against the actual promoters of the CRASSrail attacks planned against the East End and against their toadies, cronies, agents, spies, operatives, rumour-mongers, pluggers, peddlers – a summary of the three years of the defence of the community by the Khoodeelaar! movement will be appearing on this website and on the associated Khoodeelaar! web sites, pages and publications starting on Thursday 1 February 2007….
Khoodeelaar! Update on Blair’s legacy - scrap Xrail, scrap poverty, scrap denial

the deputation backed the khoodeelaar! Campaign against the Crossrail hole bill, one of literally hundreds of pieces of legislation or drafts that have been introduced into the system since Blair entered no. 10 Downing street just under 10 years ago.

the campaigners told Blair to scrap the Crossrail hole bill. It is callous. It is irresponsibly drafted. It is full of holes. And it is fundamentally flawed.

the khoodeelaar! Memo to Tony Blair from the east end of London said that there was no economic sense in the Crossrail hole bill.

they said that there was no moral sense and there was no ethical sense.

Blair would do well to scrap the callous Crossrail bill and probably save his fast disappearing legacy from total extinction.

if Blair leaves behind the heap of attacks on the already socially, economically and democratically disenfranchised then there would be no question of any legacy behind associated with his regime and time in power. \there will bed calamity and catastrophe and crime writ all over his name and his records.

as the campaigners against the Crossrail hole attacks on the east end of |London hold a series of events across the east end today Wednesday 31 January 2007 observe the 3rd anniversary of the foundation of the campaign against the Crossrail hole bill, Blair and his ‘advisers’ will do worse than to pay close heed to the advice from the east end campaigners.

extracted from “khoodeelaar! three years of battle against big business attacks on the east end of London” published later today by khoodeelaar! Wednesday 31 January 2007

A host of No to Crossrail hole local events and observances in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area during the day, 31 January 2007 – More reports on this site during the day
ALSO Coming soon on this and related Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill web sites

Khoodeelaar! Demands against Crossrail hole Bill – WHAT the campaign against Crossrail hole Bill told Tony Blair to do when Khoodeelaar! Delivered an updated demand at No Downing Street today [Tuesday 30 January 2007] as part of the campaign against the CRASSrail hole – a report due to be posted here in the next 24 hours
Is Tory David Cameron even worse than any of the past Tory leaders of the last 30 years? How pathetic can he get in his endless pretensions about society, community and democracy? Does Cameron know what the transport problems in London are? Does he understand those? If he does, how does he square any claim to understanding the issues to his total pathetic ignorant silence on the matter of Crossrail ? Especially as the CRASSrail plot is about allowing more than £20 billion of public money being wasted into the pockets of Big Business? Does Cameron, incidentally, communicate with his colleague, Francis Maude? Has he got round to acquainting himself with what Khoodeelaar! Has published most extensively as the contents of the interview with Maude that AADHIKAROnline conducted in April 2006? Has Cameron any idea where Brick Lane is? Of course he must have, if reports of his alleged jumping on the racist bandwagon is anything to go by. According to those reports, Cameron wants to turn Brick Lane into a cultural brothel, make it into another illicit earner of tourist dosh for the UK Exchequer. While he is keen to brothelise Brick Lane, Cameron is also keen to destroy the fabrics of whatever remains of what has made Brick Lane what it is….The Muhammad Haque Political Commentary on David Brothelise Cameron, here shortly
Details of Khoodeelaar! Demonstration against Crossrail hole-Backer 'London mayor' Ken Livingstone
Khoodeelaar! legal action programme updates and witness details
Breaking campaign news and updates against Crossrail hole-linked corruption collusion, confusion and collaboration in the East End of London


From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline as published on Tuesday 30 January 2007

Why another Khoodeelaar! Demonstration against Crossrail hole Bill outside the UK Houses of Parliament? – An updated summary of reasons for this demonstration taking place at midday today Tuesday 30 January 2007
Why indeed! The Khoodeelaar! movement was established to oppose the Crossrail hole attack on the East End of London. It was conceivable at the time, three years ago, that once the key criticisms of the hugely flawed Crossrail Bill were made known to the projects’ promoters, they would see sense and drop the flawed scheme. It was also conceivable that those who habitually seek – and get elected to – public posts in the name of the constituency and the constituents affected by the CRASSrail hole Bill attacks, would do their job and speak in actual, effective and honest representation of the community in whose name they parade their elected status and pocket the cash and other benefits in that position. The fact is that those elected postholders do not do that. They have not done that. They are not likely to do that in the near future. Hence the Khoodeelaar! demonstration. Hence the Khoodeelaar! formal petition. Hence the Khoodeelaar! demand on Blair and Brown today to scrap the flawed, the wasteful, the Millennium Dome 20times over CRASSrail hole scheme .
[To be continued]

Can a co-accused - with the principal offender in the recent series of crimes against humanity - in the court of moral opinion across the world for the CURRENT continuation of violations of human rights and of the mass murders taking place across the Middle East, expect to be treated as if they were innocent of the crimes of which the principal offender has been accused across the world today?


From the previous editions of AADHIKAROnline as published on Monday 29 January 2007

Khoodeelaar! Demonstration against Crossrail hole Bill
outside Houses of Parliament tomorrow Tuesday 30 January 2007
1200 noon

Muhammad Haque examines the evidence of the latest crassness as shown today [Monday 29 January 2007] by Crossrail hole plot backer City of London interest - Why Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill demonstration is taking place outside the Houses of Parliament in London on Tuesday 30 January 2007

The London Evening Standard LACKS standards! Khoodeelaar! devises this new analytical slogan against the EVENING STANDARD as that publication effectively hides the corruption of the Tower Hamlets Council controlling clique
Muhammad Haque exposes the serious lack of reporting standards in, on and about the LONDION EVENING STANDARD… Whatever happened to the Crossrail hole Bill-backing London EVENING Standard’s alleged zeal against fraud, a Blairing political practice that was almost hinted at in a rare piece by Andrew Gilligan during 2006? In their latest ‘report’ [CLICK anywhere HERE to view it] on the formal application heard in the Election Court in London earlier today [Monday 29 January 2007], the EVENING STANDARD fails to do justice to its alleged claim to be the definitive ‘London evening paper’. The STANDARD lacks Standards! And so it provides a pathetically incomplete and ‘safe’ piece about the application. That application was made by George Galloway’s’ ‘political grouping’ ‘Respect’ concerning the voting fraud in the Bethnal Green South ward in Tower Hamlets at the 4 May 2006 council elections. .. The mountain of fraud, the sea of sleaze, the torrent of lies that is the controlling clique ion Tower Hamlets Council can only be recognised in the contents of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the corrupt clique’s collusion with the Big Business Crossrail hole Bill... [To be continued]


From the previous editions as published on Sunday 28 January 2007

The Publishing programme for the day, to be accessible during the day on Sunday 28 January 2007
Khoodeelaar! demonstration against Crossrail hole Bill – Opposite Houses of Parliament – Tuesday 30 January 2007 – 1200 to 1400 Hrs.
Those travelling from Tower Hamlets and elsewhere in East London, assemble at 1000 Hrs on Tuesday 30 January 2007 outside the 'Montefiore Centre' [BTC] in Hanbury Street, London E1

How the Crossrail hole-inviting Tower Hamlets Council controlling clique has corrupted the process of community involvement in the decision-making process on matters to do with the lives and livelihoods of the people in the borough – and how the Crossrail hole Bill-backer plastic ‘Select Committee’ of ‘MPs’ has acted in a disgracefully ignorant, callous way -
So if John Reid is now acknowledged [by the Blair-massaging Murdoch SUN to lack a brain, does it mean that others in the Blaired ‘cabinet’ and entourage might also lack any brains? AADHIKARonline takes a look at some potential brainless zombies who must not be allowed to make decisions that threaten the environment, the livelihoods and the rights of the community in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London e1 Area
’Local MP’ for the Bethnal Green and Bow Constituency George Galloway has not made any original or new statement against Crossrail hole Bill in a long while. Not any since we observed his appearance before the CRASSrail hole Bill Select committee of poodles in June 2006. So what had Galloway said when he was able to speak against the Crossrail hole Bill? We take a look as we prepare to hold another demonstration outside the Houses of Parliament in the City of Westminster. The need for such a demonstration would have been less pressing if there existed in the ‘elected’ part of the Parliament a proper and active representation of the community’s voice against such profoundly unacceptable, unnecessary and plainly prejudiced attacks like the one contained in the Crossrail hole package against the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area
Breaking news and updater files


From the previous editions
The Publishing programme for the day, to be accessible during the day on Saturday 27 January 2007
The ‘East London Idiotiser’ has got itself in the news.
It has got itself mentioned in the media section of the London Guardian. It has also managed another plug for itself in the virtual trade paper that plugs 'journalists'. Neither is to do with any genuine service spontaneously performed by the ‘Idiotiser’ to the cause of accountability by the local Tower Hamlets council for the benefit of the people in the borough of Tower Hamlets. The plugs the ‘Idiotiser’ has got this time, were obtained by its [the "Idiotiser"] additionally indulging in self-promotion. Here is what happened, ON THE RECORDS:

The ‘Idiotiser’ splashed on the front page (Thursday 25th Jan 2007) with the ‘attack’ on the ‘East End Lies’, which is the actual name of the title that the controlling clique on the corrupt, abysmal, Crossrail -hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council calls ‘East End Life’ .
But the ‘Idiotiser’ is not on the attack because of any moral reason. The ‘Idiotiser’ is on the prowl looking for surrender by the crooks in control of the corrupt council. The surrender can only be acceptable if it comes in the form of goodies by way of advertisements placed in the ‘Idiotiser’.
The name ‘East End Lies’ was publicly declared as being the actual name of the propaganda title in the council chamber of the Tower Hamlets Council at Mulberry place on the 9th of September 2000.

That was 7 years ago.

Before that the same name ‘East London Lies’ was advanced by the source of the unique and penetrating analysis of the 'East End Lies' to substitute the bogus name of ‘East End Life’ in several very hot debates taking place under the initiative of the same source at that time within the particular branch and forums of the Labour Party in Tower Hamlets.
The fact of those debates was being made known to the then editor and ‘journalist’ of the ‘East London Idiotiser’.
The ‘Idiotiser’ never published a single report about that historic movement taking place within the Labour party. Nobody on the current ‘East London Idiotiser’ can pretend ignorance of the current campaign going on within the community against the ‘East End Lies’.
But the ‘Idiotiser’ splash on Thursday the 25th of January 2007 does not acknowledge any of that.
Another instance of navel-gazing by the morons who prance around claiming to be practising journalists for the benefit of the community in the East End borough of Tower Hamlets!

[To be continued]

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot on the East End of London - the first selection of archived Khoodeelaar! documents written and published by Muhammad Haque establishing the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole
So who has been spying in Tower Hamlets for the BBC radio 4, then?
Breaking news and commentary -


From the previous edition of AADHIKAROnline as published on Saturday 27 January 2007

The Saturday review will include a look at the state of the inner cities in the UK under Tony Blair, as evident in the steady decline taking place in inner cities human resources in the East End of London.
The impact of the London Olympic Games 2012 in CREATING additional poverty to East Enders in particular and to ordinary people in London in general
How the CRASS rail project 'Crossrail , is now being seen as a threat to existing infrastructure in the Berkshire area - as is evident in the confession made belatedly by a local MP in Berkshire, Martin Salter
And other topics, to be posted on the AADHIKARonline web sites published in support of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill, including AADHIKAROnline updater files on
The East London Idiotiser’s latest posture in pretending to have been ‘converted’ into a ‘local newspaper’ that is almost edited by application of a near-real conscience! • The latest scramble for the 21st century mental slaves 'grease spots' in Blaired inner city designated zones of mental servitude to racism, and the parades of the ethnic and the ethnicity-linked career-grabbers – the much-vaunted ‘candidate’ ‘selection’ circus around ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’ in Tower Hamlets within the so-called Labour Party which has in all intents and purposes been starved and abolished by the criminals deployed by the Blairing regime to smash the former Labour Party in the East London borough


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